Wednesday, July 8, 2015

20 Facts About A Weird Nugget

Hi and welcome to my blog!

Wow - this feels so surreal. I never thought I'd ever had the guts to really start a blog, so this is pretty cool and scary at the same time, haha.
I've thought of many ways of starting out my first blog post. Should I introduce myself in a super original way with a billion pictures and the funniest jokes - which I definitely wouldn't steal from the Internet by the way - or should I introduce myself in a story-like way (Once upon a time...)? Should I just get started and forget about an introduction?
I definitely want to introduce myself to you guys. And what better way is there to introduce myself than with a tag?
So here are 20 facts about me:

Fact #1: My name is Nadi Shahid. Nadi means river in Bengali and Shahid means witness in Bengali.
Fact #2: I have a passion for writing. I love writing stories, big and small, and I actually already have written a short book, called "Het Geheim Van Mystic Mountain". It is written in Dutch, though. I hope that by the time that I'm in college, I've published like ten books or something and that I will have one row on my bookshelf with copies of my books - that would be so cool.
Fact #3: My nickname is Nugget or (how I like to call myself) Nadi Da Nugget. One of my friends thought it would be a nice nickname, since we both loved - and still love - chicken nuggets.
Fact #4: I am weird.
Fact #5: I'm half Dutch and half Bengali (Bangladesh), or half Asian. 
Fact #6: I can express myself better on paper than in real words. Basically what happens when I try to talk, is that as soon as I start opening my mouth the "text" I made up in my head starts to crumble and eventually falls apart. Well, okay, that might be over exaggerated - but I do struggle with talking properly and as soon as I start to write, I suddenly know everything I need to say and have to say.
Fact #7: I have an addiction for books. It's kind of becoming my second life. Hehe. Whoops.
Fact #8: I really, really, really, really, really love oreo's. They're like heaven to me. Like seriously - I can't live without them.
Fact #9: My favorite store is the bookstore. Obviously.
Fact #10: I really don't care how I look like when it comes to clothing and my face. I don't wear make-up and I wear whatever I can find in my closet, but when it comes to my hair, we're getting real. MY. HAIR. MUST. LOOK. PRETTY.
Fact #11: I hate being called cute. DON'T. CALL. ME. CUTE. 
Fact #12: I'm pretty small, actually. I'm 1.50 m.
Fact #13: English is my all-time favorite language. I like talking English (though I don't do that very often), I like writing in English and I even THINK in English, hehe.
Fact #14: I have a really strange smile. Unless I make a selfie - then I attempt to look like a supermodel. I'm not sure if it's working...
No, I won't show you my strange smile.
Fact #15: My favorite animal is a panda. 
Fact #16: I'm introvert. I'm really introvert.
Fact #17: My favorite bands are The Script and the Imagine Dragons. And I love Ed Sheeran too.
Fact #18: NETFLIX IS THE BEST INVENTION EVER. I REALLY LIKE NETFLIX. My favorite shows on Netflix are: Once Upon A Time, Teenwolf and Arrow :D.
Fact #19: I'm kind of a morning person and I'm kind of not. In the morning my mind either gets pissed off (I start blaming life for everything or blame a tree for being a tree who only has to make sure that it gets its light, its carbon dioxide and water) or my mind takes me to a happy place with unicorns and Stiles (Dylan O'Brien) and lots of oreo's. So I'm either really grumpy in the morning or just normal, like I'm not mad but neither excited or something.
Fact #20: My favorite colors are blue and mint green :).

That was... Interesting, wasn't it?
Well, I hope you enjoyed my very first blog post and if you have some tips or questions, leave them in the comment section below.
Until the next blog post, then. :)

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