Thursday, August 20, 2015

The Disney Book Tag!

Last week I went to Disneyland and man, it was so fun! 
I literally felt like a four-year-old as soon as I stepped into the amusement park.
I freaked out when I saw the stuffed animals in the souvenirshops and couldn't stop smiling and jumping around when I was standing in line for one of those rollercoasters that scared me to death but were awesome anyway.
Okay, maybe I wasn't smiling all the time and maybe I wasn't jumping around, because 1 it was way too hot and 2 my feet hurt and 3 the lines were waaayyyyy too long.
But other than that - I had a great time.
And since I'm all Disney right now, I thought I'd do the Disney Book Tag, created by Katytastic! (Click here to see her video!)

1. The Little Mermaid - a character who's out of their element, a "fish out of water".

Definitely Juliette from the Shatter Me series. I haven't finished the series yet, but I've read the first two books and especially in the second book she's definitely out of her element. Instead of being used or locked up in a cell, she is forced to be around people, to train and to fight for justice. A bit difficult for someone who fears herself and isn't doing a good job in socializing.

2. Cinderella - a character who goes through a major transformation.

Meghan from the Iron Fey series definitely. She starts out as this scared little girl, not knowing what to do with everything she sees and discovers and turns into this badass heroine who makes tough, but wise, decisions and becomes this leader.

3. Snow White - a book with an eclectic cast of characters.

Damn. This is a difficult one. 
I think I'd say the characters from The Ember In The Ashes since all the characters, both main and minor, are very strong and you can see clearly how different they are.
You could say that every character is a different colour, since every character has a different personality. Yes, some colours are somewhat the same, but you can always see the difference in them.

4. Sleeping Beauty - a book that put you to sleep.

Tunnels by Roderick Gordon and Brian Williams. It has been ages since I read the book, but I remember how much it dragged on and how it just managed to put me asleep, literally. I SHALL NEVER READ THAT BOOK AGAIN. (Unless I need to fall asleep.)

5. The Lion King - a character who had something traumatic happen to them in their childhood.

Alexa from the Defy series. I love love love this series, by the way.
But I mean, seeing your dad getting killed by a sorcerer is pretty traumatic in my opinion. 

6. Beauty And The Beast - A beast of a book (a big book) you were intimidated by, but found the story to be beautiful.

Well, here's the thing - I only look at the amount of pages of a book after I've seen  the cover and have read the summary of the book. And even if I see that the amount is high, I don't and I won't care. So. Yeah.
But I guess I found every book with over the hundred pages a lot when I was a kid and now a book of sixhundred or more would intimidate me. 

7. Aladdin - a character who gets their wish granted for better or for worse.

Allison from the Blood of Eden series. Again, another series I haven't finished (and probably won't finish :$). Although I wouldn't say it's really an all-time wish to want to live after you nearly got killed by rabdo's (which are like failure-vampires or sick vampires), she did want to stay alive, even if that meant becoming a vampire.
It was a difficult life, though, but eventually she managed to keep going. #inspirational

8. Mulan - a character who pretends to be someone or something they're not.

I guess Mare is the one who fits this one pretty well since she pretends to be a Silver when she's actually a Red with Silver-like powers. The funny thing was that I didn't understand that she was pretending to be Silver until a few pages, (a few chapters perhaps,) after that part. Yup.*facepalm*

9. Toy Story - a book with characters you wish would come to life.

The characters from An Ember In The Ashes! (The second time already, hehe) I loved all the soldiers - even Marcus and Zak - from BlackCliff and Cook and Lizzy and of course the main characters! I need you guys in my life right now.

10. Disney Descendants - your favorite villain or morally ambiguous character.

BUT I LIKE EVERY VILLAIN! I mean, I just think villains are so freaking interesting and fascinating and I'd love to read every book from a villain's perspective! But I think I'm going to give this one to... *drums* 
The Commandant of An Ember In The Ashes. I know, I know, this is the third time already, but come on, guys - she's the most horrible villain I've ever met and well, I love my horrible villains. (That might be because I'm a villain myself. SSHHH. DON'T TELL.)
And besides that - An Ember In The Ashes is just an awesome book, alright?

That's it for today, guys!
I'm not going to tag anyone to do this tag, but feel free to do this tag if you want to.
Until the next blogpost, then! :)

{ Picture used in this blogpost is from (WITHOUT EDITS): }

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